Based in Southern California, The Colonel's Company of the 33rd Foot is a re-created company of one of the finest British marching Regiments to serve King George during the American War for Independence. Don't take our word for it, listen to the experts:
"I am bound to record here that I have felt a certain shamefacedness, on visiting the barracks of the 33rd Regiment, who were commanded by the young Earl of Cornwallis, to compare their high state of appointment and the steadiness of their discipline with the slovenly and relaxed bearing of most of our own companies. One can always correctly judge a regiment by the behaviour of its sentries. I have seen men go on duty in the 9th dead drunk and scarcely able to stand, but with the 33rd the sentry was always alert and alive in attention; when on duty, he was all eye, all ear... During the two hours he remained at this post the sentry continued in constant motion and could not have walked less than seven miles in that time. The 33rd thus set a standard of soldier like duty which made me secretly dissatisfied with the 9th, and which I have never since seen equalled but by a single other regiment [the 23rd RWF] which was brigaded with the 33rd under the same Cornwallis in the later campaigns of the American War. - Sjt. Roger Lamb, 23rd RWF
[the 33rd's drill and discipline is] " Established upon the truest principles, far Superior to any other Corps within my observation". - Major General William Howe
The 33rd Regiment of Foot landed at Cape Fear, North Carolina in May of 1776 and saw action at:If you are interested in becoming a member of the 33rd Foot, if you are a member of a fraternal, educational, or social organization which might enjoy a presentation, or if you have any questions about it, please e-mail us.
Last updated 29 Jan 2022