2022 Schedule
We have voted the Colonial Heritage Festival in Orem, Utah, Rebels and Redcoats in Pioneer Village in Arizona, and the British Brigade at Sandy Hollow/Brandywine Pennsylvania as our primary events for 2022, but all the events listed in this section have been officially sanctioned by the 33rd Regiment of Foot, Inc. If any 33rd members plan to attend any of these events, please let RHQ know.
Friday, Saturday - 15 - 16 FebruaryThe American Revolution in Huntington Beach This is the only major All Colonial event in Southern California!. We have sanctioned this event for those of our members who wish to participate. The Revolution - Living History in HB Central Park The Revolution - Living History in HB Central Park on Facebook
Thursday - Saturday, 2, 3, 4 JulyColonial Heritage Festival in Orem Utah From the web site: "The Colonial Heritage Foundation coordinates a multi-day, colonial living and reenactment event for the Fourth of July each year. Called the Colonial Heritage Festival, or "Colonial Fest" for short, it is the largest event of its kind west of the Mississippi River - incorporating more than one hundred artisans, craftsmen, teachers and reenactors." We have voted to support this event. Let's get a good turnout! Colonial Fest web site. Colonial Fest on Facebook Colonial Fest notice on Freedom Fest page
Saturday, Sunday, 17 - 18 SeptemberNevada City Revolutionary War Days This event is growing and we are very welcome by the town of Nevada City. Let's try to get more of the 33rd there! Nevada City Constitution Day 2022 including Revolutionary War Days! web page.
Saturday, Sunday, 24 - 25 September.The British Brigade at Sandy Hollow/Brandywine.
This is being promoted as the Event of the Year! Portions of the event will be held on part of the actual battle site, in the park itself as well as 200 acres of private land. The event web site is not up yet, but this link will take you to a brief overview: Brandywine
Friday, Saturday, Sunday, 4, 5, 6 November.Rebels and Redcoats. Pioneer Village Arizona. We have a warm invitation from Major Redmayne: I hope you will consider Rebels & Redcoats 2022, Nov 4,5 and 6th . It will be our 10th Anniversary and it would mean a great deal to see the 33rd there. Since it will fall on Guy Fawkes Day, Sir John will most assuredly spare and share some of the Parkin cake. Rebels and Redcoats web site. Rebels and Redcoats Facebook page.
Saturday, Sunday, 19 - 20 November. These dates are not confirmed.The Marching Thru History Exposition. Norco, California. MTHE is a timeline military history event. The theme is "We Honor Our Veterans Thru American History". MTHE web site MTHE Facebook page
If there are any other events that the members wish to have list or sanctioned, please write to RHQ