Friday 28 June - Sunday 30 June 2013
The British Occupation of Williamsburg
This is the final three day schedule for UTR 2013. Even if you think you have read a UTR schedule before, read this one!! It is largely similar to previous UTR Schedules, but there are some significant changes!
Remember - we are now included in “Revolutionary City ”! All of Colonial Williamsburg is now “The Revolutionary City”. Many of our programs are Revolutionary City programs, and will rely on tight integration between Colonial Williamsburg interpreters and our Crown Forces.
PLEASE NOTE: events marked with an * are published in the Colonial Williamsburg's “This Week” brochure, with start times that must be observed.
From June 25 to July 4, 1781, British forces under the command of Lt. Gen. Cornwallis occupied Williamsburg and imposed martial law on the town's residents, resulting in hardship and loss of liberties. This weekend, the Historic Area will be populated by reenactors and Colonial Williamsburg interpreters representing Lord Cornwallis, his staff, the Provost Guard, other military and civilian personnel and townspeople.
Guests are encouraged to experience the town under occupation by an invading army; visit the British encampment and observe the soldiers and their commanding officers as they go about the military routine of planning a campaign. Visitors expect to talk with the people of the town and hear their stories of war, privation and occupation. While Cornwallis prepares his battle plans, his troops rest and refit after an arduous spring campaign, as well as sharpen their skills for the next clash with the young Marquis de Lafayette.
Activities include both foot and mounted drill and exercise, infantry and artillery demonstrations, camp life, and surgeons caring for the wounded and ailing in a military field hospital. The weekend re-enactment draws to a close late Sunday afternoon as Cornwallis with his army departs the city for Yorktown.
Friday, June 28th:
10:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Registration.
Registration of reenactors at Fife and Drum Building. Note: Registration moves to Chowning's back garden from 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Unit Commanders - please note that you or your official designate must be available during Registration times to vouch for all late registrations from your unit.
Parking for registered participants - The parking lot for 20th/21st Century vehicles is at the Bruton Heights School Education Center lot. This is on First Street off of Capitol Landing Road, just across Lafayette Street and the railroad tracks from the Fife and Drum building. Google Map to Bruton Heights. There is a pedestrian tunnel at Botetourt and Lafayette that will allow access all night. On Sunday, the Crown forces will march East down Duke of Gloucester Street directly to their cars at the Bruton Heights lot.
UTR registered participants please note: your “Freedom of the City” pass is your ticket to all of Colonial Williamsburg's ticketed venues. Please plan to spend some of your off duty time visiting the Historic Area, exhibit buildings, shops and museums. Your “Freedom of the City” pass is also good for a discount at the Historic Area shops (except for the Prentis Store and trade items found at the Golden Ball)! You may begin to use your “Freedom of the City” pass immediately, but NO British uniforms are to be seen in town until after The Town is Taken program at 3:00 p.m. on Friday.
11:00 a.m. Safety Inspection for Dragoons. At the Fife & Drum Bldg.
ca. 1:30 p.m. Laying out the camp by reenactors in 18th Century dress.
No British uniforms until after Taking of the Town at 3:00 p.m.
2:30 p.m. Safety inspection for reenactor artillery (gun crew firing at 6:00 p.m.). At Fife and Drum.
2:30 p.m. Advance Party forms. At the Fife & Drum Parking Lot
The Dragoons and soldiers involved in the Town is Taken scenario will form up in the parking lot of the Fifes & Drums building, ready to step off at 2:45 p.m. From the parking lot troops will march onto Nicholson Street turn left and proceed to the far side of the Capitol and wait for a cue from the Program Manager to proceed.
2:50 p.m. The Redcoats are Coming! On Duke of Gloucester Street.
A few citizens race down Duke of Gloucester Street knocking on doors shouting warnings of the approaching British.
*3:00 p.m. The Town is Taken. (A Revolutionary City Program) At the Capitol.
One American town after another falls into the hands of the seemingly unstoppable British Army and Williamsburg is about to be next. Witness the arrival of the British Army as they seize Williamsburg, raise the British flag over the Capitol and commence occupation of the town.
Dragoons enter town at the Capitol, accompanied by a patrol of Infantry. A party of the patrol goes into the Capitol, removes the American Flag, and replaces it with a British Flag. The British Forces then proceed down Duke of Gloucester Street to Market Square. As the troops pass Botetourt Street, the rest of the Provost Guard follows in behind them (see “The Provost Guard march in.” at 3:10)
TBD will be Town Major for the Event. He will arrange the patrol and camp security details.
TBD will be Deputy Provost-Marshal for Friday. As his Lieutenant, Ensign Prym (Col's. Coy. 33rd Foot - brevetted Lt. for the day) will be responsible for communications and make sure the Friday events occur at the proper time.
PLEASE- no “off duty” Crown forces wandering around town until after 4:00 p.m. The Crown forces in town will be engaged in camp layout, camp security duties, and organized patrolling until after the main Provost Guard comes in at 3:10 p.m.
*3:10 p.m. The Provost Guard Marches In. Weather permitting.
Troops not participating in “The Taking of the Town” and those following the army form in the parking lot of the Fifes and Drums building, ready to step off beginning at 3:10 p.m. From the parking lot all will march onto Nicholson Street, turn right toward Botetourt Street, turn left onto Botetourt and wait for a cue from the Program Manager to proceed onto Duke of Gloucester Street, folding in behind the Advance Party troops marching from the Capital to the Market Square.
This march in represents the arrival of a force which had spent many hard miles on the road, so we ask: that the soldiers wear their worst condition clothing, that they not polish or clean anything, and if they can get away with it, a couple of days not shaving would look good, too.
The baggage wagons from CW are to be loaded with period tentage only (soldiers' tents, poles, and pegs - troops may carry their tent poles if desired). They will accompany the troops as they come in. The baggage wagons will load at the Fife and Drum building. There will be only two trips. The departure times will be 3:10 (as the Provost Guard marches in) and 4:30. If you miss the second wagon there will be a handcart available, or you can wait until 6:00 p.m. and drive your car into Market Square to unload your tentage.
Units or troops who plan to arrive on Friday in time to load onto the baggage wagons can drop off their baggage at Fife and Drum, park at Bruton Heights, load their kit onto the wagons, and march in. Troops must accompany the wagon with their tentage! The CW driver will not load and unload the wagon.
Since the army baggage wagons are loading at the Fife and Drum parking lot, the parking lot for 20th/21st Century vehicles is at the Bruton Heights School Education Center lot on First Street off Capitol Landing Road. This lot is just across Lafayette Street and the railroad tracks from the Fife and Drum building. There is a pedestrian tunnel at Botetourt and Lafayette that will allow access all night. On Sunday, the Crown forces will march East down Duke of Gloucester Street directly to their cars at the Bruton Heights lot.
4:00 p.m. (or as soon as the Provost Guard arrives in Market Square) - on.
The Provost Guard sets up camp. Period style only.
We will set up the camp as a period interpretive activity. The soldiers may be in their fatigue clothing. Please remember no mixing of 18th/21st C. clothing is allowed until after 6:00 p.m. The Pioneers assemble their field fortifications (Cheval-de-Frise, etc.). A portion of the Provost Guard is on picket duty with fixed bayonets to prevent anyone from entering the camp with their vehicles before 6:00 p.m. Another portion of the Provost Guard is on patrol in town. Activities will include kitchen preparations such as digging fire pits.
4:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Registration. Registration of reenactors moves to Chowning's back garden.
Commanders - please note that you or your official designate must be available
during Registration hours to vouch for all late registrations from your unit.
*5:00 p.m. Declaration of Martial Law (A Revolutionary City Program)
The terms of occupation are read to the citizens of the town.
6:00 p.m. Evening Gun
In front of the Guard House. Check for safe firing direction.
6:00 p.m. Vehicles allowed in camp for setup.
Vehicles must be removed from camp once setup is complete.
The approved routes are marked in blue on the map.
Please use North England Street to get to Nicholson Street.
Please use Queen Street to get to Duke of Gloucester Street.
Saturday, June 29th:
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Registration of reenactors in Chowning's back garden.
Unit Commanders - please note that you or your official designate must be available during Registration hours Registration to vouch for all late registrations from your unit.
8:00 a.m. Beat Reveille. (Duty Drummer - Reveille)
8:00 a.m. Staff meeting.
Meeting of camp staff, Unit officers, and Unit Head Distaff with event planners in the Court House.
Immediately after the Staff Meeting there will be a brief Walk Through for Saturday's 10:30 a.m. Ð Cornwallis Reviews His Troops (with firing) (See description below) and 5:00 p.m. Program “Retreat ” (See description below)
8:45 a.m. (Duty Drummer - Drummers' Call)
The Drummers assemble on the Parade. The Companies will assemble in the Company streets. The Serjeants will perform their preliminary inspections.
9:00 a.m. Morning Gun
The morning gun will be fired in the artillery park in front of the Guard House.
* 9:00 a.m. Roll Call and safety inspection. (Duty Drummer - Assembly)
In the camp on Market Square.
Please note: this is not a battalion formation; this is the morning line up of the Provost Guard. There is no Adjutant, there will be no separate posting of the officers, there will be no Serjeant-major lining up the troops. All officers and troops form in the Company Streets at Drummer's Call and form up on the Parade at Assembly, under the command of the Deputy Provost-Marshal.
The overall military commander will be the Town Major, whose subordinate officers will be the Deputy Provost-Marshal and his Lieutenants. The “Captain” (and Serjeant and Corporal) of the Guard may change for each of the guard mounts.
All participants will assemble on the Parade for roll call. Attached civilians and ration strength women & children will line up at the rear of their respective units. The Serjeants will call roll (every Serjeant should have a Roll Book), the Corporals will fill out their Morning Reports. The Serjeants will collate the information from the Morning Reports on to a Company Return. The Company Returns are to be turned in to the Deputy Provost-Marshal by 11:00 each day. A separate Roll will be taken of the attached civilians, this information to be noted on the Company Return as well.
Ammunition inspection.
From the 43rd Orderly Book:
Head Quarters Williamsburg
29th June 1781
Brigade Orders
The 43d, 76th and 80th Regiments to inspect their Ammunition and give in Returns to morrow at Orderly Time of The Number of Cartridges wanting to Compleat to 40 Rounds a man
The Serjeants will inspect the men's ammunition, and take note of how many rounds are wanting to complete each man to 40 rounds. Ammunition returns will be supplied.
We are doing this 232 years later to the day!
The Deputy Provost-Marshal will read the Orders of the Day to the assembled Provost Guard. He will then detail troops off into Guard Mounts. The Colonial Williamsburg Safety Officers will inspect the troops warned for the first Guard Mount. Those troops will then be sent to the Guard House to begin Guard Duty for the day while the CW Safety Officers inspect the rest of the troops. All the troops will be inspected even if they were already inspected on Friday.
Music - One drummer will be detached for duty with the Guard, and one Drummer and one Fifer will be detached as Duty Music (the Duty Music's post is at the Town Major's marquis).
All troops should carry Muskets, Bayonets, Pouches, and Ammunition at Saturday's Roll Call. There will be a detailed inspection of Muskets, Pouches, and Ammunition. Unit officers in conjunction with CW safety personnel will conduct this inspection.
Canteens will be inspected at every formation to make sure they are full of water.
Please make sure that you; your troops, and your attached civilians drink plenty of water! There is water available from the tap behind the Court House. Ice is available from Chownings. The Detached Hospital (in the East Advance building of the Governor's Palace) is equipped to re-hydrate and revive people who have been felled by the heat.
First Aid and emergency services can be summoned by using the cell phone in the Town Major's Marquis, but it is much better to keep people from requiring those services. Drink!
For the whole weekend, the troops not on guard duty shall actively interpret the lives of the Crown Forces and attached civilians. UTR is looking for detailed, personal, interactive character interpretation. Interact with each other! Interact with the public! Colonial Williamsburg wants the visitors to feel welcome to interact with the troops.
All troops, but particularly the sentries on duty, are not only responsible for their military duties but they should also be prepared with the answers to common questions from the visitors. These may be as simple as “Where is the restroom?” or “When is the next event?”, or as complex as “Why are you redcoats trying to take over our country?”. If the sentry is not able to answer the question he should be able to direct the visitor to someone who can. It need not be out of character to plead simple ignorance and refer the questioner to a more knowledgeable person.
Saturday should be a “settling in” day for the troops. Please be ready with a lot of in-camp activities. The army has had a hard campaign season already. Take time to look over your kit, and mend, repair, replace, polish, whiten, or blacken as necessary. Note: the troops who are in the 10:00 Review by Lord Cornwallis should make sure their uniform and kit are inspection ready!
ca. 9:30 a.m. Posting of the Guard.
The Guard will operate out of the Guard House. They will post sentries as follows:
In addition, the Guard will patrol the Revolutionary City. Guard should be aware of any programming going on and avoid causing disruptions to that programming.
*10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Following the Army
This ongoing program of demonstrations highlights the role of the civilians who traveled with the army. Several areas will be set up in and around the camp on Market Square, where the Army's attached civilian men, women, and children will demonstrate and explain what they did to support the troops on campaign. Representative activities such as nursing, teaching, mending, baking, sewing, doing laundry and cooking will be interpreted to the public.
*10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Military Field Hospital.
Surgeons care for wounded patients and smallpox victims.
The Hospital will be in the East Advance building of the Governor's Palace, and in the grounds of the Brush-Everard House at the North East corner of the Palace Green. The Hospital will conduct ongoing interpretation of life in a military field hospital. If anyone wants to sit for a while or even take a nap - go to the Hospital! The Hospital is also equipped for minor medical care. If anyone has a minor injury or is feeling the effects of the heat - go to the Hospital!
Camp will be set up Friday evening.
Hospital will set up Saturday morning by 10:00 a.m.
*10:00 a.m. Cornwallis Reviews Newly Arrived Troops (A Revolutionary City Program)
Market Square - Behind the Court House
General Cornwallis reviews his troops as they are exercised in the manual of arms; with firings. (Drums - tunes as per Drum Major)
*11:00 a.m. Phillipsburg Proclamation. (A Revolutionary City Program) At the Raleigh Tavern Stage
A Crown Officer re-reads General Clinton's 1779 Phillipsburg Proclamation which granted “sanctuary” to any enslaved or indentured people who ran away from their “rebel” masters -- and made it to the British lines.
11:40 a.m. Changing of the Guard.
We will do a full formal guard change. Get out your copies of “Guard Mount, Sentry Duty, and Relief” and study the section on Changing of the Guard. Please note that the New Guard must be at the Guard House at 11:40. The Captain of the New Guard needs to get his troops in camp up, ready, and lined up in time to arrive at the Guard House at 11:40. The Corporals marching the relief should bear in mind that the entire Guard must wait for them to relieve all the old sentries and bring them back to the Guard House. The old sentries must be returned to the Old Guard before the Old Guard may march off and the New Guard may lodge its arms in the Guard House.
Noon Noon Gun.
The Royal Artillery will load and fire precisely at Noon. We need to keep Market Square clear down range until after the gun is fired.
*Note to Gun Commander - keep a watch out for horses on Duke of Gloucester Street near Market Square. Do not fire the gun until the horses are clear!
Noon Registration is closed at 12:00.
*12:45 - 1:45 p.m. “To the Victors Go the Spoils” DeWitt Wallace Museum - Hennage Auditorium.
Audience with Lt. Col. Banastre Tarleton discussing his Southern campaign, highlighting the Colors captured by his command.
*1:00 p.m. Artillery Demonstration on Market Square.
The Royal Artillery will give a demonstration of the Ultimate Argument of Kings. This will be a combined Infantry/Artillery demonstration, showing fire and movement: how the Infantry supports the Artillery in combat and vice versa.
1:30 p.m. Safety Inspection.
All late coming troops who missed the 9:00 a.m. Safety Inspection will report to the Guard House for inspection. Please note that CW will provide a list of names of those who registered too late for the 9:00 a.m. Safety Inspection.
*2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Following the Army. (in the camp in Market Square - see 10:00 a.m.)
This ongoing program of demonstrations showcases the roles of civilians who traveled with the army.
2:10 p.m. Changing of the Guard.
We will do a full formal guard change. (see 11:40 a.m.) Please remember that the New Guard must be at the Guard House at 2:10.
*2:30 p.m. An Interview with his Lordship. At the Courthouse
3:00 p.m.
- 3:45 p.m. Company
Drill. On Market
Square. The
troops not on guard duty do some serious drilling. This is not a battalion
formation. This is a drill, with Serjeants shouting and making corrections.
You are welcome to drill at any time you are off guard duty, but it may be in
your interest to drill now. Why now? Because: *4:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Drill
and Firing competition. On Market Square, facing West. We
all know that “No recruit to be dismissed from the drill until he can fire
fifteen rounds in three minutes and three quarters.” The public gets to see how close we can come to the period ideal.
Team rapid fire. Rammers will not be used. A team must field a minimum of eight muskets. CW will provide prizes for the fastest team. Timing starts at the
word “Load” of “Prime and Load!”, and stops at the fifth shot. Misfires count
against the team! After the fifth shot, on command, each team will Open Ranks and Secure Arms by files. This will permit acccurate inspection of the men's firelocks. Every firelock that dumps powder will add one second to the team's time! The
size and composition of the teams will depend on the troops present, and will
be determined during the day. There will be another competition on Sunday for the teams that cannot compete on Saturday.
Note: No team is to show up on the firing line with any mark of victory from previous UTR firing competitions. UTR
expects much betting and heckling by the spectators. Make
sure there are no visitors down range at any distance. We need to keep Market Square roped off until after firing the evening gun. The spent
cartridges are to be policed after the firing. We need a crowd
control/cartridge pickup detail. 5:00 p.m. Guard stands down. Barricades removed from streets. Please
note that the Guard is to start pulling in the sentries in time to leave the Guard House by 5:00. The Guard marches directly
to the Parade. *5:00 p.m. Retreat. (Duty Drummer - Retreat) On Market Square. The
entire Provost Guard assembles on the Parade for Retreat and evening Roll Call.
Orders of the Day for Sunday are read. The troops are dismissed. The duty day is over. Evening Gun. Firing
of the gun on Market Square signals the end of Retreat. We need to keep Market
Square clear down range until after the gun is fired. *Note
to Gun Commander - keep a watch out for horses on Duke of Gloucester Street
near Market Square. Do not fire the gun until the horses are clear! *8:00 p.m. Tat-too. The
sentries on duty Challenge after the Tat-too is played. The Town Major may
inspect the Guard. Please
note: Drummers and Fifers are strenuously encouraged to participate in the Tat-too. The Tat-too will step off from the Capitol at 8:00 p.m., playing stirring tunes
while on the march down Duke of Gloucester Street to Market Square, stopping at
every tavern to beat the Tat-too. It is hugely popular with the visitors! CW
will provide torch bearers to light your way. Soldiers!
Please plan to join the Tat-too as it marches back to camp. The purpose of the
Tat-too was to warn the publicans to turn their taps to (as in shut off the
ale!) and warn the soldiers it was time to return to camp. The good news is at
UTR you can “stagger” out of the tavern, have a jolly march back to camp - and
then go right back to the tavern because CW doesn't turn the taps to until
much, much later! Sunday,
June 30th: 8:00 a.m. Beat
(Duty Drummer - Reveille) 8:00 a.m. Staff
meeting. Meeting
of CW staff, Unit Commanders, and Unit Head Distaff in the Court House.
*3:00 p.m. General Cornwallis grants an audience.
*3:30 p.m.
Immediately after the Staff Meeting there will be a brief Walk Through for Sunday's 10:30 a.m. Ð Church Parade and Divine Service (See description below) and 5:00 p.m. Program “The Army Prepares to March” (See description below)
8:00 a.m. to Noon Quiet on the Palace Green
There will be no Morning Gun on Sunday. Troops are advised not to use the Palace Green for drill on Sunday morning. Divine services are being held in Bruton Parish Church. Please be aware that there will be vehicles parked alongside Bruton Parish Church for morning church services. Beware of traffic on Duke of Gloucester Street by churchgoers!
8:45 a.m. (Duty Drummer - Drummers' Call)
The Drummers assemble on the Parade. The Companies will assemble in the Company streets. The Serjeants will perform their preliminary inspections.
9:00 a.m. Roll Call. (Duty Drummer - Assembly). In the camp on Market Square.
Please note: this is not a battalion formation; this is the morning line up of the Provost Guard. There is no Adjutant, there will be no separate posting of the officers, there will be no Serjeant-major lining up the troops. All officers and troops form in the Company Streets at Drummer's Call and form up on the Parade at Assembly, under the command of the Town Major.
All participants will assemble on the Parade for roll call. Attached civilians and ration strength women & children will line up at the rear of their respective units. The Serjeants will call roll (every Serjeant should have a Roll Book), the Corporals will fill out their Morning Reports. The Serjeants will collate the information from the Morning Reports on to a Company Return. The Company Returns are to be turned in to the Town Major by 11:00 each day. A separate Roll will be taken of the attached civilians, this information to be noted on the Company Return as well.
The Deputy Provost-Marshal will read the Orders of the Day to the assembled Provost Guard. He will then detail troops off into Guard Mounts. The Orders of the Day will be read to the assembled Provost Guard. The troops warned for the first Guard Mount will be inspected, then sent to the Guard House to begin Guard Duty for the day.
Canteens will be inspected at every formation to make sure they are full of water.
Music - One drummer will be detached for duty with the Guard, and one Drummer and one Fifer will be detached as Duty Music (the Duty Music's post is at the Town Major's marquis).
ca. 9:30 a.m. Posting of the Guard.
The Guard will operate out of the Guard House. They will post sentries as follows:
In addition, the Guard will patrol the Revolutionary City. Guard patrols should be aware of any programming going on and avoid causing disruptions to that programming.
*10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Military Field Hospital.
Surgeons care for wounded patients and smallpox victims. The Hospital will be in the East Advance building of the Governor's Palace, and in the grounds of the Brush-Everard House at the North East corner of the Palace Green. The Hospital will conduct ongoing interpretation of life in a military field hospital. If anyone wants to sit for a while or even take a nap - go to the Hospital! The Hospital is also equipped for minor medical care. If anyone has a minor injury or is feeling the effects of the heat - go to the Hospital!
ca. 9:45 a.m. Escort for the Colours forms on Market Square.
All the Officers carrying Colours and the Escort for the Colours organize at the head of the camp on Market Square in preparation to proceed with soldiers and followers to the green behind the Courthouse. All need to be ready to step off by 9:50 a.m.
NOTE: As there is no extended march from the camp to the Courthouse, there needs to be movement in the camp to draw attention to the Divine Service program.
9:50 a.m. The Colours, their Escort, soldiers, and followers step off for the Drumhead Church Service.
(Drums - march tunes as per Drum Major)
9:55 a.m. Receive the Colours for the Drumhead Church Service.
The Colours and Escort halt in the green behind the Courthouse. The drum altar is assembled the and Colours are laid across them to form an altar of Drums and Colours.
*10:00 a.m. The Provost Guard Attends Divine Service. (A Revolutionary City Program)
(Drums -
The Chaplain performs a drumhead Church Service, with a reading of the Articles of War. It will be followed by God Save the King. The Serjeants to turn out with Halberds (if any) at the rear of the formation. At the conclusion of Divine Services the Colours are marched back to camp and posted in camp, and the Provost Guard is dismissed to its duties.
*11:00 a.m. Running to Freedom (A Revolutionary City Program) At the Coffeeehouse backyard
News has spread that Lord Cornwallis and the British Army are planning to leave Williamsburg. Enslaved Virginians consider the option of joining them for the promise of freedom. How will this life changing decision affect individuals within the enslaved community?
11:40 a.m. Changing of the Guard. (see Saturday at 11:40)
*12:00 p.m. “In His Majesties Service”(A Revolutionary City Program) In Market Square
His Majesty extends an offer for you to join his forces and be on the side of the winning army.
(Volunteers are recruited, exercised in the manual of arms.)
Noon p.m. Noon Gun.
The Royal Artillery will fire precisely at Noon in the yard in front of the Guard House
*Note to Gun Commander - keep a watch out for horses on Duke of Gloucester Street near Market Square. Do not fire the gun until the horses are clear!
*1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Following the Army. (see Saturday at 10:00 a.m.)
2:10 p.m. Changing of the Guard. (see Saturday at 11:40)
*2:30 p.m. Artillery Demonstration on Market Square.
The Royal Artillery will give a demonstration of the Ultimate Argument of Kings. This will be a combined Infantry/Artillery demonstration, showing fire and movement: how the Infantry supports the Artillery in combat and vice versa.
*3:00 p.m. Laying a Trap At the Courthouse 3:30 p.m.
- 4:00 p.m. Company Drill. On Market Square. The
troops not on guard duty do some serious drilling. This is not a battalion
formation. This is a drill, with Serjeants shouting and making corrections.
You are welcome to drill at any time you are off guard duty. 4:15 p.m. (Duty
Music- The General) Drop ’em and roll
’em. Breakdown/rolling/folding of tentage and camp gear. Please take care not to reveal any modern conveniences. *4:30 p.m. Drill
and Firing competition. On Market Square, facing West. This is Sunday's
competition for the troops who could not compete because they were on duty on
Saturday. We
all know that “No recruit to be dismissed from the drill until he can fire
fifteen rounds in three minutes and three quarters.” The public gets to see how close we can come to the period ideal.
Team rapid fire. Rammers will not be used. A team must field a minimum of eight muskets. CW will provide prizes for the fastest team. Timing starts at the
word “Load” of “Prime and Load!”, and stops at the fifth shot. Misfires count
against the team! After the fifth shot, on command, each team will Open Ranks and Secure Arms by files. This will permit acccurate inspection of the men's firelocks. Every firelock that dumps powder will add one second to the team's time! The
size and composition of the teams will depend on the troops present, and will
be determined during the day. Note: No team is to show up on the firing line with any mark of victory from previous UTR firing competitions. UTR
expects much betting and heckling by the spectators. Make
sure there are no visitors down range at any distance. We need to keep Market Square roped off until after firing the evening gun. The spent
cartridges are to be policed after the firing. We need a crowd
control/cartridge pickup detail. 4:30 p.m. The
Guard stands down. The barricades are cleared from the streets. Please note that
the Guard is to start pulling in the sentries in time to leave the Guard House by 4:30. The Guard
marches directly to camp and prepares to march. *5:00 p.m. The
Army prepares to march. (Drums - TO ARMS!) The
Battalion assembles on the Parade in Full Marching Order. The Marching Orders
are read. Cornwallis speaks. The
Army moves out. (Drums - March tunes as per
Drum Major) The British Column leaves town. The route of march is East
down Duke of Gloucester Street toward the Capitol. We will make a left onto
Botetourt Street, and stop in the shade where Botetourt Street meets Franklin Street. From there it is easy to get back to camp or to the Bruton Heights parking lot. A camp guard will be left behind
for camp security and not so incidentally to prevent re-enactors from entering
the camp with their vehicles until 5:45. 5:45 p.m.
Evening Gun Firing
of the gun on Market Square signals the end of Retreat. The Evening Gun is also the signal that vehicles are allowed into the historic area. We need to keep Market
Square clear down range until after the gun is fired. *Note to Gun Commander -
keep a watch out for horses on Duke of Gloucester Street near Market Square. Do
not fire the gun until the horses are clear. 5:45 p.m. Vehicles
may enter the historic area for loading of remaining camp gear. VEHICLES MUST
ON THE SHELL PATH!! Drive home safely! We want to see you next year!!
*3:30 p.m. General Cornwallis holds a staff meeting to prepare to engage Lafayette and the American Forces.
*4:00 p.m.